Building a Brand: OilGrads
OilGrads Homepage

OilGrads Homepage

OilGrads was launched in May of 2008 as means to connect young candidates within the oil & gas industry to potential employers. The look and feel contains more casual elements to help appeal to the younger professional audience.

Role: Responsible for overall design and production. Worked closely with copy editor in developing a design that represented the tone of the desired marketing message.

OilGrads Launch Announcement

This marekting email was created to announce the launch of OilGrads, and was targeted to recent college graduates or those in the Oil & Gas industry with less than a year of experience. The key design goal was to carry through the same look and feel of

This email was designed and tested with all major email clients, including Outlook 2007, Lotus Notes, Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo Mail, as well as IE 6, 7, 8, Firefox and Chrome.

Role: Primary designer Managed design and content team on production.

OilGrads Logo

The OilGrads logo, like all in the Rigzone family, relies heavily on the typeface of the site name as an integral part of the design. The concept behind this design was to create a logo that had a more vibrant and young appeal, while still conveying an association to the oil and gas industry. The result is OilGrads being spelled out in lower case letters, with an oil drop shape used for the open and rounded letters. The tag line makes use of the "highlighter" effect found on the

Role: Primary designer

OilGrads Print Ad

This ad was used to announce the launch of OilGrads in the Rigzone Reporter. Ample white space was used to help frame the post-it note with the core message. All elements in this ad are consistent with, and used to help extend the fledgling brand.

Role: Designer, copywriter.