Website Design
Rigzone Homepage

Rigzone Homepage

The 2009 relaunch of is the first substantial redesign of the site since its inception in 1999. The redesign of this data-intensive and heavily trafficked site included efforts not only to modernize styles, but simplify navigation and enhance the overall user experience.

ROLE: Responsible for overall design and production. Back-end development performed by coworker.

Rigzone News Article

Rigzone News Article

The article template was revamped to quickly convey the article subject and focus on the associated imagery, increasing the likelihood that the visitor would linger on the page.

Rigzone Career Center Homepage

Rigzone Career Center Homepage

As a core Rigzone product, the Career Center recieved a hefty make over, with a special focus on enhancing the various steps involved in posting a resume, and searching for a job. Displayed is the revamped Career Center Homepage.