Rebranding WuenschSales Company Version 4

WSC Relaunch v4

Version 4 of is one step in the overall effort to simplify and refocus the marketing efforts of WSC. The new site was crafted as a tool to highlight the manufacturers that WSC represents instead of focusing solely on WSC.

ROLE: My role included all aspects of site design, including the front-end production of standards compliant HTML and CSS code as well as some light database back-end development.

WSC Booth Art

WSC Booth Art

The design of the convention booth layout mimics the overall appearance of the new WSC homepage by listing the five main categories of products that WSC carries. This plays a larger role in the overall marketing effort to simplify the company message and give more focus to the manufactures represented by WSC.

Role: Designer, worked with printer on production.

WSC Email Marketing

With the relaunch of, an email marketing program was established to keep customers informed and up-to-date on new products WSC carries. The design of this email mirros the elements used in the newly launched site.

This email was designed and tested with all major email clients, including Outlook 2007, Lotus Notes, Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo Mail, as well as IE 6, 7 and Firefox.

Role: Designer, producer and copywriter.